Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Muslim Domination - Worldwide alert: the real Muslim mission - YJ Draiman

Muslim Domination

Worldwide alert: the real Muslim mission.
Israel has no choice but to continue to fight for its survival.  Thus, it is time for a Clarion Call unifying all Israelis on a national scale, as well as all Jews worldwide.
I have long stated the real Arab Muslim mission in Israel is NOT about alleged “occupied” land. Rather, the real Arab Muslim mission is the extermination of Israel as a nation; the extermination of Judaism as a religion; and the genocide of Israelis and their culture.  The reason for such an Arab Muslim mission has been repeatedly stated by their leaders: their belief they “have the right to kill all non believers”.
Posit the following, what if there was no “Holy Land” as part of modern day Israel? Would the Arab Muslims still demand land which they have no legal right to claim? Would they still use terroristic tactics to kill innocent Israeli Jews wishing for a peaceful co-existence?  The irrefutable answer, as proven by their unfounded rhetoric and actions is an emphatic YES.  The reality is, the Arab Muslims use of “contested land rights” is a thinly disguised façade to hide their true mission: the genocide of Jews and extermination of Israel at any cost.
History proves the Arab countries terrorized and expelled over a million Jewish families and their children. In so doing the Arab countries confiscated all Jewish assets, businesses, homes and real estate totaling over 120,000 sq. km. or 75,000 sq. miles, (which is 6 times the size of Israel), and valued in the trillions of dollars. The reason they were expelled, hatred and greed. Those expelled Jewish families were resettled in Israel and account for over half the population of Israel today.
Those in power in the Arab-Palestinian leadership have rejected again and again any and all attempts to recognize Israel's right to exist.  Although sometimes occupied, there has been a Jewish Nation in the land of Israel for the past 4000 years. In fact, the Jews are the ONLY surviving indigenous people toIsrael.  Yet, even though history proves there has never been an Arab-Palestinian Nation, the Arab Muslims falsely claim they have a right to Israel.  Said false claim exposes the true mission of the Arab Muslims: extermination of Israel and the genocide of Jews.  
An examination of what Arab Muslims teach their children further exposes their true mission. They continue to teach their children to hate, enslave, terrorize and kill Jews, and all non-believers by any means possible.  Ironically, the world idly sits by allowing such hatred and violence to exist and expand thinking it is only an Israeli problem (Déjà vu Hitler and Nazism). 
The Muslim mission in the world is not only Israel but the rest of the world, and all “infidel non-believers”.  Though there are constant instances of terroristic acts throughout the world which support the above statement, we need not consider any other than September 11, 2001.  On 9/11 Arab Muslim terrorists killed close to 3,000 innocent people, including children in America. It is time for the world to accept the fact the Arab Muslim mission of worldwide genocide of ALL non-Muslims, and even some Muslims, will continue until education and humanity replaces such hatred, or eliminates it altogether.
History proves Arab Muslims have killed over 500 million people since its inception 1500 years ago. Moreover, the number of deaths by Arab Muslims continues to grow every day.  They have colonized the Middle East over the years. Now they are slowly but surely taking over Europe. Rest assured if we are not careful to protect ourselves, they will attempt to take over the United States and all other countries. Then we the non-believers and our children will be forced to kneel before a sword wielding Arab Muslim, having committed no other crime than having a different religious belief.
It is time for the world to wake up and face stark reality:  wherever there are Arab Muslims there is hatred fueled conflict and terrorism in an ongoing mission of genocide.
I hope Israel understands it cannot concede to any of the Arab Muslim demands, or give up any more land. To do so will only weaken Israel, making it more vulnerable and endangering the safety and security of its citizens. Israel must retract all previous concessions since the Arab Muslims have not abided by any of the agreements.  It is time to expose the real mission of the Arab Muslims: worldwide genocide.
YJ Draiman


  1. Unity above all
    We must learn to respect each other no matter what the religious affiliation or secular. We are all Jews, one people and one nation.
    We must look ahead and learn from past mistakes and not dwell on them and look for blame. We must be unified and with a cohesive effort, we will find a solution.
    The one thing that is common to all of solutions is that they required — or at least relied on — the other party’s good will. But in the absence of such a will, every agreement you attempt to implement is doomed before it has even started. Therefore, we must look not at the agreements we can or can’t achieve with our neighbors, but rather look at the agreements that we can achieve with ourselves!
    Our motto should be something like, “When the going gets tough, the good get going,” because this is all we need to do — lend a friendly hand to one another, no questions asked. As we have been told a million times before, this unity will unleash all the powers we need in order to resolve our problems: social, economic, and political — both internally and internationally.
    “A Unified Israel is A Strong Israel”
    YJ Draiman

  2. Unity above all
    We must learn to respect each other no matter what the religious affiliation or secular. We are all Jews, one people and one nation.
    We must look ahead and learn from past mistakes and not dwell on them and look for blame. We must be unified and with a cohesive effort, we will find a solution.
    The one thing that is common to all of solutions is that they required — or at least relied on — the other party’s good will. But in the absence of such a will, every agreement you attempt to implement is doomed before it has even started. Therefore, we must look not at the agreements we can or can’t achieve with our neighbors, but rather look at the agreements that we can achieve with ourselves!
    Our motto should be something like, “When the going gets tough, the good get going,” because this is all we need to do — lend a friendly hand to one another, no questions asked. As we have been told a million times before, this unity will unleash all the powers we need in order to resolve our problems: social, economic, and political — both internally and internationally.
    “A Unified Israel is A Strong Israel”
    YJ Draiman

  3. In this dear land of our love may we close our national ranks in a new unity, as principalities of darkness seek to destroy the precious things we hold nearest our hearts ………….
