Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Islamic disinformation, deception and intentional lies are permitted and in fact promoted under the Muslim Qur’an and Sharia law.- Yj Draiman

Islamic disinformation, deception and intentional lies are permitted and in fact promoted under the Muslim Qur’an and Sharia law
Therefore, we should be suspect of any and all information coming out of any Arab-Muslim sources. All statements by Arab-Muslims must be held suspect until thoroughly verified.
Deception, fraud and gross exaggeration are a way of life for the Muslims. Promises are not kept. Terror and violence is a fundamental premise. Their leaders subjugate the masses by inciting them against non-Muslims, and even against their own Muslim people.
In the past 1500 years the Muslims have eliminated over a half a billion people and the death toll is increasing daily. Muslim promoting, financing and supporting terrorism is endangering the safety and security of the entire world. Muslims at large bring instability and insecurity to the non-Muslim people in the world. Over 90% of world conflicts today involve Muslims.
The Muslims promote death and destruction and destroy any remnants of previous history which factually disproves their false teachings, and which contradicts their beliefs and agenda.
When will the world-at-large wake-up and realize that all non-Muslims are in danger of losing life and liberty if we do not take immediate,  proactive action to stem, and eliminate the growing terror and violence?
A unified world with allied forces implementing full intelligence gathering and sharing, and security cooperation must be set-up to confront and end the unbridled Muslim terror and violent, genocidal Muslim activities.
If the silent Muslim majority does not act to curb the extreme, radical Muslim agenda, they must be considered as complicit in all of the extreme Muslim activities; and thus, be held accountable.  Fundamental “Common Law” dictates such “complicity” as guilt.
The Media, which is always looking for sensationalism is only adding fuel to the fire, and is in fact accelerating the increase of terror and violence.  Any media found guilty of such incitement should be held accountable.
Muslim extremism has constantly made known its’ intent to kill, and subjugate all “non-believers”.  World domination is the goal of Muslim extremism.  As such, it is time for the world to unite, and finally put an end to this insidious nemesis once and for all. To do otherwise is to simply kneel and wait for the Muslim sword to fall and to behead us all.

YJ Draiman

Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims -- Understanding Taqiyya ― Islamic Principle of Lying for the Sake of Allah

Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Understanding Taqiyya ― Islamic Principle of Lying for the Sake of Allah

Lying and cheating in the Arab world is not really a moral matter but a method of safeguarding honor and status, avoiding shame, and at all times exploiting possibilities, for those with the wits for it, deftly and expeditiously to convert shame into honor on their own account and vice versa for their opponents. If honor so demands, lies and cheating may become absolute imperatives.” [David Pryce-Jones, “The Closed Circle” An interpretation of the Arabs, p4]
“No dishonor attaches to such primary transactions as selling short weight, deceiving anyone about quality, quantity or kind of goods, cheating at gambling, and bearing false witness. The doer of these things is merely quicker off the mark than the next fellow; owing him nothing, he is not to be blamed for taking what he can.” [David Pryce-Jones, “The Closed Circle”, p38]
The word "Taqiyya" literally means: "Concealing, precaution, guarding.” It is employed in disguising one's beliefs, intentions, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions or strategies. In practical terms it is manifested as dissimulation, lying, deceiving, vexing and confounding with the intention of deflecting attention, foiling or pre-emptive blocking. It is currently employed in fending off and neutralizing any criticism of Islam or Muslims.
Falsehoods told to prevent the denigration of Islam, to protect oneself, or to promote the cause of Islam are sanctioned in the Qur'an and Sunna, including lying under oath in testimony before a court, deceiving by making distorted statements to the media such as the claim that Islam is a “religion of peace”. A Muslim is even permitted to deny or denounce his faith if, in so doing, he protects or furthers the interests of Islam, so long as he remains faithful to Islam in his heart. (See endnotes)
Like many Islamic practices, taqiyya was formed within the context of the culture of Arab tribalism, expansionary warfare, Bedouin raiding and inter-tribal conflict. Taqiyya has been used by Muslims since the 7th century to confuse, confound and divide 'the enemy’.
A favored tactic was ‘deceptive triangulation’; used to persuade the enemy that preparations for a raid were not aimed at them but at another tribe altogether. The fate in store for the deceived enemy target was an unexpected plunderous raid, enslavement of the women and death to the post-pubescent males.
The core foundation of hyper-masculine Arab culture is bound up in perceptions of "honor and shame". At all times, he (it's usually a male) must avoid having his face "blackened" by words or actions which are a slight upon, a challenge or affront to, his status in the family or broader social / tribal group. To be open, frank and forthright or to make self-damning admissions in his dealings (particularly with the infidel enemy) is to leave himself open and vulnerable to humiliating shame and to the subsequent disrespect from his peers. Tongues will wag in the bazaar’s coffee shops and rumors will rapidly spread that so-and-so has lost his "manliness" and status. In short, he is no longer worthy of deferential respect; to an Arab, this is worse than death itself.
The higher one is placed in the social order (or rather, on how important the individual perceives himself to be), the more imperative it becomes to strenuously avoid “loss of face”. The male's perceived loss of honor and status, must be redressed and his face "whitened", i.e. his honor regained and restored, at any cost; even to the extent of (as in the honor killing of daughters) murdering the person “responsible” for causing the initial humiliation. When taqiyya is used to avoid making an admission or concession it is simply an essential means of ensuring that ones honor and standing remain intact and untarnished. Blood feuds and vendettas, caused by an ancient humiliation of a long dead ancestor, can persist, fueled and propelled by shame and honor, for generations. Muhammad, who is promoted as every Muslim’s exemplar, set the precedent for vengeful retaliation when he ordered the murder of those who mocked or satirized him and, as he was an Arab, caused him potential loss of face. [See link, “Muhammad’s Dead Poets Society”]
Islamic spokesmen commonly use taqiyya as a form of 'outwitting'. The skilled taqiyya-tactician doesn’t want the matter at hand to be debated or discussed; so his opponent must be outwitted or preemptively outflanked by the use of taqiyya. The objective is to divert attention away from the subject through duplicity and obfuscation.
The claim is often made that difficulties in translating from Arabic to English makes the meaning of what they say or write difficult or impossible to convey….this is simply another subterfuge. Keysar Trad has repeatedly claimed that Sheikh Hilali’s obnoxious, inflammatory and misogynistic comments have been “mistranslated”, misquoted or “taken out of context”. The aim of this ploy is to dilute or neutralize public opprobrium. The use of independent translators has, in the past, disproved his assertions. The Sheikh states what he believes to be correct according to Islamic precepts and his “interpreter” reconfigures the statement to make it palatable to the unwitting listener.
Consider the following statement by Mr. Trad on the February 24 2006.
Keysar Trad, president of the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia, told Reuters that Australian Muslims
agreed with Costello's (Australia’s Treasurer, Peter Costello) sentiments about being good, law abiding citizens.
"But to continually single out the Muslim community like this is very unhelpful, it's very divisive and it does stir up Islamophobia”,
Trad said.
"We're proud to be Australian and our religion strongly stipulates that if you make an oath, whether it's an oath of citizenship or any other oath, that you honor it, abide by it."
However, the Prophet Muhammad seems to have a different idea on the subject.
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 67, Number 427:
“By Allah, and Allah willing, if I take an oath and later find something else better than that. Then I do what is better and expiate my oath.' "
Role playing as the victim:
When placed under scrutiny or criminal investigation, (even when there is overwhelming, irrefutable evidence of guilt or complicity), the taqiyya-tactician will quickly attempt to counter the allegation by resorting to the claim that it is, in fact, the accused who are the 'the victims'. Victims of Islamophobia, racism, religious discrimination and intolerance. Currently, this is the most commonly encountered form of distraction and 'outwitting'….. Defense by offence.
Manipulative ambiguity and Semantics:
Sheik Hilali and the late Yasser Arafat are both on public record as (a) 'condemning' the 9/11 attacks, in ambiguous terms, to the Western media and (b) praising suicide bombings, or “ martyrdom operations”, to their Arabic speaking audiences .
Islamic spokesmen will rarely unequivocally condemn a specific act of terrorism and direct questions will be skillfully evaded.
(NB: because Muslims regard Islamic attacks as “jihad”, and not terrorism, their spokesmen can truthfully deny any support for terrorism.)
Interviewers would be better advised to ask the more precise question “do you believe in jihad against the unbelievers?
However, a direct question requiring a simple "YES" or "NO" reply is rarely forthcoming and is usually deflected by responding with a tangentially irrelevant rejoinder or, in an attempt to neutralize the original question, counter-challenging with another question such as “are you in favor of killing children in Iraq?”…..Touché and Checkmate!
Diversion, deflection and "tu quoque”:
Questions relating to the 9/11 terrorist attacks will usually be diverted by either making outrageously wild conspiracy claims “the CIA did it to give the U.S. an excuse to attack Muslims,… Mossad was the perpetrator… No Jews came to work at the World Trade Center on September 11” etc. or by making an irrelevant counter reference to “the plight of the Palestinians”,.. Iraqis,.. colonialism,.. the crusades, or US foreign policy’s support for Israel” as the 'root causes' of terrorism.
Then, of course, there’s the ever popular, specious allegation that George Bush is a bigger terrorist than Osama bin Laden.
Diversionary “tu quoque” response ploys usually start with the words “but” or “what about…?” in an attempt to turn, and transfer an equal culpability back on their interlocutor.
Demanding 'evidence':
Islamic spokesmen practice a form of taqiyya defined in psychology as 'cognitive denial' by repetitive and persistent demands of 'where is the evidence!' and 'prove it!' whenever there is Muslim complicity in terrorist acts, evidence, which they know very well, for security or legal sub-judice restraints, can not be disclosed. If indeed the “evidence” were to be publicly presented, they would then move on to the familiar “prejudicial to the defendant receiving a fair trial--grounds for a mistrial” default position.
Tactical denial:
Rather than admitting that a proposition concerning a subject under discussion can be partly true, an Islamic spokesman will flatly deny a claim or proposition in absolute terms. For example, "It is impossible to be a Muslim and a terrorist”; this semantic argument is purely a matter of definition, because radical Islamists don’t define their violent attacks as terrorism, but jihad. (i.e. holy war in the way of Allah) .Another popular assertion is that 'Islam forbids suicide', which is true, but by virtue once again of definition, irrelevant, because suicide bombings are regarded as “martyrdom operations” and are therefore not forbidden, but on the contrary, admirable and praiseworthy. Muslim spokesmen are also fond of using extreme hyperbole. Their refutations regularly include the word “percent”. e.g. “I am 150% certain that Jews orchestrated September 11”…. “I guarantee the accused is 200% innocent”.
Exploiting cognitive dissonance:
Islamic spokesmen regularly perplex and baffle interviewers and their audiences as they resort to double talk, 'clichés and platitudes' concerning Islam. A state of cognitive dissonance (i.e. holding two contradictory beliefs and attempting to resolve them) is therefore induced in viewers and readers as they attempt to mentally process the claim that Islam is a peaceful religion despite the indisputable evidence before them of Islamist involvement in terrorist acts or criminal conduct.
The Islamic 'defense' script:
Islamic spokesmen repeat the same predictable duplicitous clichés concerning Islam in Europe, as do their counterparts in Australia and America. They appear to follow a well prepared script as they repeat "Islam is tolerant and peace loving”. In instances where they find themselves presented with, and cornered by, undeniable evidence that murderous radicals are indeed guilty as charged the spokesman will then fall back on the old chestnut that the culprits are only a “small minority” and not “true Muslims” anyway. Islamic spokeswomen use taqiyya when making the somewhat Orwellian claim that wearing the hijab, niqab, burqa etc. is “liberating” and “empowering”, and that, for reasons known only to them, these symbols of submissive exclusion offer them more freedom than Western women, thereby implying that women in Muslim countries are somehow 'freer' than women in the West. This ruse is designed to preclude further examination into the well documented inferior status of females in Islamic societies. Being put on the spot, and having to admit their true obedient and subservient status, would be embarrassing and therefore shame inducing so resorting to denial and exaggerative taqiyya is their only option.
There’s a common and oft repeated lie that “Islam” means peace”, it doesn’t, it translates as “submission” (to Allah).
Islamic falsehoods are echoed uncritically by Western politicians and other apologist dupes, for example "A small group of fundamentalists have hijacked a great and noble religion”. This timely, skilful, misleading and diversionary theme of the 'hijacking' of Islam was introduced into public, political and media discourse by an Islamic 'spokesman' in the United States shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and has become an “accepted fact” repeated, ad nauseum, ever since.
The "Islam has been hijacked” myth is now a clichéd media and political reference which serves to deflect attention from the empirical proof of a fourteen hundred year continuity of the doctrinal, political and religious nature of Islamic jihad.
A related theme that “a small minority of Muslims are engaged in terrorism” is utterly irrelevant as terrorism is always perpetrated by 'small minorities' or more accurately small groups or cells. Surveys consistently reveal that between 10-15% of all Muslims sympathize with the aims and methodology of this radical strain of Islam which has been “hijacked”. This means, that within an estimated world population of 1.2 billion Muslims, there are 120-180 million people prepared to fund, facilitate and in general, give moral and financial assistance to the jihadists….. “a small minority”? decide!
The indisputable truth is that there has been no “hijacking” of Islam. Islamic extremists can, and do, find ample inspiration, justification and encouragement for their violent ideology in the Quran and Hadith.
Taqiyya as impressions and perception management
Pathos and the tactical use of children:
Australian television viewers may recall that interviews with terrorist suspects raided by ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organisation) and AFP (Australian Federal Police) frequently featured women in hijabs holding small children or a crying baby as they plaintively protested their husband's innocence and attested to his innate piety, decency and kind-hearted nature.
Trembling fingers and quavering voices pointed out damage, disruption and disarray to the family home. In some interviews the suspect / father holds the child, whilst denying any involvement in, or knowledge of, radicalism .
Sheikh Hilali’s daughter, in a newspaper interview, played the taqiyya pathos card by claiming that, because the cold northern winter was imminent, her father was travelling to Lebanon to “hand deliver” thousands of blankets to “orphanages” and homeless victims of the war between Israel and Hizbollah.
In the same Israel /Hezbollah war, a photojournalist filmed a Lebanese man, strewing, for the purpose of emotional impact, the contents of a large cardboard box full of children’s stuffed toys amongst the wreckage and debris. This was obviously for the benefit of a large contingent of international TV film crews who were about to be taken on a guided tour of the bombed buildings later that morning.
Photos of carefully placed baby’s bibs and dummies (pacifiers) also appeared to be extraordinarily abundant on the internet, as were “staged” photos of a “body” being removed from the piles of collapsed concrete. One sequence of photos clearly shows the “body” in question, alive and well, walking around with his “rescuers” before and after the “retrieval” of his dusty, “lifeless body”. This is taqiyya by imagery!
The above are examples of taqiyya in the age of impressions and perception management and are designed to, dupe, play on the emotions of, and elicit sympathy from, the compassionate, unwitting public.
Taqiyya and the Deceptive definition of Jihad:
The contemporary political meaning of jihad is clear: it is “Jihad of the sword” and not the peaceful internal struggle for spiritual improvement as their spin-doctors would have us believe. Islamic fundamentalists consider jihad to be the sixth pillar of Islam, a binding duty and integral to the faith. Claiming that Jihad is a subjective and psychological state to become a better person is taqiyya. In contemporary terms, Jihad means – HOLY WAR - against the unbelievers and it is in this context that Al Qaeda training manuals and other radical preachers use and refer to jihad.
The study of taqiyya is crucial to an understanding of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. Its use ranges from the issuing of false terrorist threats, operational and strategic disinformation issued by Al Qaeda in the form of 'intelligence chatter' for the purpose of throwing national defense groups into confusion. Terrorist in captivity resort to taqiyya during interrogation. It is most frequently used by Muslim 'spokesmen' whilst intentionally making misleading public statements concerning Islam and terrorism.
The Arabs have a story which exemplifies subtle, semantic dissimulation (taqiyya) perfectly. Legend has it that Mohammed’s nephew, son-in-law and future Caliph, Ali, was sitting on a stool outside his dwelling when one of his allies ran red-faced and gasping into the village and hid in Ali’s home. Perceiving that the man was being pursued, Ali promptly got up and sat on another nearby stool. A few minutes later, a group of angry pursuers ran into the encampment and asked Ali if he had seen the man they were pursuing. Ali responded with the statement “AS LONG AS I HAVE BEEN SITTING ON THIS STOOL I HAVE SEEN NO ONE”
This story demonstrates why nothing an Islamist says can be taken at face value. Every statement and utterance needs to be thoroughly analysed, or “unpacked”.
After yet another violent incident in Sydney, involving “Males of Middle-Easter Appearance”, a spokesman for the Muslim community appeared on a Sydney television evening newscast. In the brief soundbite he defensively declared “our religion teaches us that we must be kind to one another” ….and indeed it does, it simply depends on how we are to interpret the words “one another”, as these verses from the Quran demonstrate:
Muslims are harsh against the unbelievers, merciful to one another. – (Q 48:25)
Muhammad is Allah's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another.
Through them, Allah seeks to enrage the unbelievers*. – (Q48:29)
So, was this spokesman lying?
Or was he telling the truth?
The answer is both, YES,… and NO! –Or, perhaps neither, and if you are confused by this apparent contradiction?,. You’re meant to be, because he was practising taqiyya; ……where the devil is ALWAYS in the detail.
* The precise identity of the “unbelievers” in the above references requires no further explanation.

1. Imam Abu Hammid Ghazali says: "Speaking is a means to achieve objectives. If a praiseworthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful to accomplish through lying because there is no need for it.
When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible." (Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri, The Reliance of the Traveler, translated by Nuh Ha Mim Keller, amana publications, 1997, section r8.2, page 745)
2. Bukhari Vol 3: 857 “Narrated Um Kulthum bint Uqba”:
That she heard Allah's Apostle saying, "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar."
3. Bukhari Vol 4: 269 “Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: The Prophet said, "War is deceit."
4. Bukhari Vol 5: 668 “Narrated Zahdam:
“When Abu Musa arrived (at Kufa as a governor) he honored this family of Jarm (by paying them a visit). I was sitting near to him, and he was eating chicken as his lunch, and there was a man sitting amongst the people. Abu Musa invited the man to the lunch, but the latter said, "I saw chickens (eating something (dirty) so I consider them unclean." Abu Musa said, "Come on! I saw the Prophet eating it (i.e. chicken)." The man said "I have taken an oath that I will not ea (chicken)" Abu Musa said." Come on! I will tell you about your oath. We, a group of Al-Ash'ariyin people went to the Prophet and asked him to give us something to ride, but the Prophet refused. Then we asked him for the second time to give us something to ride, but the Prophet took an oath that he would not give us anything to ride. After a while, some camels of booty were brought to the Prophet and he ordered that five camels be given to us. When we took those camels we said, "We have made the Prophet forget his oath, and we will not be successful after that." So I went to the Prophet and said, "O Allah's Apostle ! You took an oath that you would not give us anything to ride, but you have given us." He said, "Yes, for if I take an oath and later I see a better solution than that, I act on the later and gave the expiation of that oath"
5. Bukhari Vol 6: 138 Narrated Aisha:
“That her father (Abu Bakr) never broke his oath till Allah revealed the order of the legal expiation for oath. Abu Bakr said, "If I ever take an oath (to do something) and later find that to do something else is better, then I accept Allah's permission and do that which is better, (and do the legal expiation for my oath ) ".

From The Muslim Brotherhood to the Third Reich Amin Al-Husseini / Adolf Hitler Connection 1933-2002

From The Muslim Brotherhood to the Third Reich

Amin Al-Husseini / Adolf Hitler Connection
Hitler Finds Arab Support [xiii]
 Arab Nazi political groups [xiv] spring up throughout Middle East:
        . Young Egypt.  Led by Muslim Brotherhood member Abdul Gamal Nasser (future Egyptian President).  Young Egypt’s political slogan “One Folk, One Party, One Leader” is a direct translation from German of Nazi slogan.
        . Social Nationalist Party in Syria.  Led by Anton Saada [xv](known as the Syrian Fuhrer)
Husseini Meets Hitler’s banker
Francois Genoud [xvi] , later known as the Swiss Banker of the Hitler’s Third Reich, travels to Palestine to meet Amin Al-Husseini for the first time.  Their relationship will continue well into the 1960’s. 
Palestine Riots
 Weapon of Choice
Suicide Squads
Muslim Leaders assassinated
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini in Jerusalem during 1936 Riots

Amin Al-Husseini is main organizer of riots. [xvii]   He organizes suicide squads against the local authorities.  Applies Nazi methodology of “systematic extermination” of any Arab suspected of less than total loyalty to Pan-Islamic vision of Muslim Brotherhood. 
Any “non-Islamic” element is a threat to his Pan-Islamic vision.
Many Muslim and Christian Palestinian intellectual leaders and clerics assassinated for protesting Husseini’s Islamic terror.
1936-1938. Murdered by Husseini’s men: 
   Sheikh Daoud Ansari ( Imam of Al Aqsa Mosque),  Sheikh Ali Nur el Khattib (Al Aqsa Mosque), Sheikh Nusbi Abdal Rahim (Council of Muslim Religious Court), Sheikh Abdul el Badoui (Acre, Palestine), Sheikh El Namouri (Hebron), Nasr El Din Nassr  (Mayor of Hebron).  Between Feb. 1937 and Nov 1938, Eleven (11) Mukhtars (community leaders) and their entire families slain by Amin al Husseini’s men.
On Hitler’s Payroll
Amin Al-Husseini visits Jerusalem German Consul. He meets SS Hauptschanfuehrer A.Eichman and SS Oberscherfuehrer H. Hagen to discuss “the Jewish question”.  [xviii] Amin Al-Husseini subsequently receives financial and military aid from Nazi Germany. [xix] [xx]
Mufti Joins Hitler In
Jihad against Britain

Amin Al-Husseini arrives in Rome, where he meets fascist leader Benito Mussolini, the genocidal butcher of Ethiopians in Africa. Mussolini vows to help the Palestinian cause against the Jews. From Rome, Husseini declares Fatwa-Jihad [xxi] against Britain. He preaches the notion of Pan-Islamism, with vision of Muslim unity to further his cause.

Amin Al-Husseini: Root of Today’s Iraqi Tragedy

Husseini-Tulfah [xxii]
Pro-nazi coupAmin Al Husseini
Palestinian Volunteers to the Iraqi Army
for 1941 Pro-Nazi Coup in Bagdad.
  Amin Al-Husseini instigates a pro-nazi coup in Baghdad, Iraq.  Kharaillah Tulfah is his right-hand man. Tulfah is Saddam Hussein’s mentor and uncle. Germany sends weapons and aircrafts to Husseini.  Coup fails.Amin Al HusseiniAmin Al Husseini in Bagdad with Rashid Al-Qailani, Leader of Pro-Nazi Iraqi Coup 1941
European Jews Must Not Make It To PalestineAmin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini In Berlin during WWII.
 Amin Al-Husseini in Berlin meets [xxiii] with Adolf Hitler [xxiv] and is active in the decision to exterminate all Jews through the infamous Final Solution [xxv] .
Amin Al HusseiniAmin Al Husseini Meets Hitler in Berlin During WWII
Hitler was reportedly content with deporting the Jews out of Europe to Palestine.  Husseini perceived this as a threat to his stronghold in Palestine and pushed successfully for the extermination of the European Jews.    
  Christian Serbian Genocide
Husseini’s Personal Project [xxvi]
Al Husseini meets Croation Nazis
Amin Al Husseini meets Croat Nazi A.Artukovic and M.Budak during WWII.
April 25th. Amin Al-Husseini is made chief architect [xxvii] of Nazi offensive in Bosnia:  Serbian-Cyrillic alphabet outlawed. Orthodox Serbs forced to wear Blue armband.  Jewish Serbs forced to wear Yellow armband.
While in Bosnia, Amin Al-Husseini takes the title “Protector of Islam”.  One hundred thousand (100,000) Bosnian Muslims join the Nazi ranks. They seek Nazi approval to establish autonomous Nazi protectorate for Bosnian Muslims.
Amin Al-Husseini approves the Pejani Plan, calling for the extermination of the Serbian population. Nazi Germany refuses to implement the Pejani plan.  
 Bosnian ethnic cleansing under Amin al Husseini:
     . Orthodox Christian Serbs:  200,000 killed
     . Jewish Bosnians: 22,000 killed
     . Gypsies:    over 40,000 killed
Husseini’s legacy of hatred is a major factor in today’s Bosnia/Herzegovina conflict against the Serbs and their leader Milosevic.
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini Inspecting His Muslim Troops. 1943.
10,000 Children Die
Amin Al-Husseini intervenes personally with Nazi High Command to block Red Cross offer of exchanging 10,000 Jewish children for Nazi prisoners of war.  They will die in Hitler’s gas chambers. [xxviii]
Nazi Muslims [xxix]
“Cream Of Islam”
Bosnian Muslim Flag Under Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’.  It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations.  ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire[xxx]   Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops[xxxi]
Husseini Nazi
Amin Al Husseini Coaching on of his Muslim Nazi Soldier 1943
 Prime Minister of Pan-Arab Government
Visits Nazi Death Camp with Head of SS H.Himmler
Amin Al Husseini Meets Chief Commander of Nazi SS: Heinrich Himmler
 Amin Al-Husseini is made Prime Minister of Pan-Arab Government by Nazi regime.  His headquarters are in Berlin.
He plans construction of concentration camp [xxxii] in Nablus (Palestine) to implement the  “final solution” in Palestine to exterminate the Jews there, as an extension of Hitler’s plan.
Mufti becomes close friend of  Heinrich Himmler, Head of SS (Nazi Officers).  Amin Al-Husseini is given a private tour of Aushwitz death camp by Himmler[xxxiii], where he insists on seeing first-hand the murder of Europe’s Jews.
Amin Al Husseini Inspects his Muslim Nazi Troops in WWII.
Nazi View
of Islamic Religion
Head of Nazi SS troops Heinrich Himmler stated to Chief of Nazi propaganda Josef Goebbels:
“ [I] have nothing against Islam because it educates the men in this division for me and promises them heaven if they fight and are killed in action.  A very practical and attractive religion for soldiers.” [xxxiv]
  Islamic Institute in Dresden, Germany
Nazi Islam
Heinrich Himmler, Head of SS, and close colleague of Amin Al-Husseini, financed and established Islamic Institute (‘Islamische Zentralinstitut’) in Dresden under the Mufti.  The purpose was to create a generation of Islamic leaders that would continue to use Islam as a carrier for Nazi ideology into the 21st century. [xxxv]
Mufti Addresses   Bosnian Muslim Nazi Troops
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini Inspecting His Islamo-Nazi Troops in Bosnia during WWII.
March 1, 1944. Amin Al-Husseini makes speech from Berlin addressing Muslim SS Nazi troops: “Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, History and Religion.  This saves your honor. God is with you.” [xxxvi]
Amin Al Husseini Recruiting Muslims To Serve Nazi Regime. (Propaganda Poster)

Arab League and Muslim Brotherhood:

 Post-World War II Voice of Amin Al-Husseini


From Amin Al-Husseini to Yasser Arafat

Co-founder and President
of Arab League
[xxxvii]Amin AL Husseini At the Arab League
Amin Al Husseini at Arab League Meeting. 1944
 Amin Al-Husseini is one of the founders of Arab League.  Goal is to reinforce Pan-Islamic unity.  Founding countries are: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen.  Husseini is appointed to President in Absentia of Fourth Higher Committee of Arab League.
British Forgive Husseini
 Shockingly, the British give Amin Al-Husseini amnesty.  He returns to Palestine.
Leader of Muslim Brotherhood
 Amin Al-Husseini is appointed leader of Muslim Brotherhood in Jerusalem [xxxviii] .  Wahhabi Islam becomes the perfect vector for Husseini’s policy of ethnic cleansing.  He uses recently acquired Nazi methodology to implement his vision of an Arab World free of Jews (Juden-Rei in German). [xxxix]
Wanted for
 Crimes Against Humanity
Yugoslavia requests extradition from Egypt of Amin Al-Husseini for War Crimes [xl] , and Crimes against Humanity. Egyptian government refuses to release him [xli] .
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini with Arab Higher Institute in Cairo 1946

HUSSEINI :  “Murder The Jews! Murder Them All!”

Yasser Arafat’s Teacher and Uncle:
Amin Al-Husseini
 Egyptian-born Yasser Arafat [xlii] meets Amin Al-Husseini at age 17 and starts to work for him.  Amin Al-Husseini allegedly great-uncle of Arafat, whose real name is Mohammed Abder Rauf Arafat Al-Kudwa Al-Husseini.  Arafat reportedly changed his name intentionally to disguise his connection to Amin al-Husseini.
Holy Struggler
Amin Al-Husseini places Yasser Arafat in charge of arms procurement and shipment for the Mufti’s Irregular Forces:  “The Holy Strugglers”
“I declare a Holy War!”
Amin Al Husseini with Abdel Nasser
Amin Al Husseini
with Abdel Nasser: President of Egypt.

  With UN recognition, Israel declares statehood. Arab League immediately declares Jihad (Holy War) against Israel. Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Jordan immediately declare war on the new Jewish state and invade Israel.
Amin Al-Husseini [xliii] : “I declare a Holy War, My Muslim Brothers! Murder the Jews! Murder them all!”
Amin Al HusseiniMoslems Praying
Muslim Nazi Troops of Amin Al Husseini. Holy War. 1943.
Arafat Speaks On Amin Al-Husseini
“I was one of his troops.”
Yasser Arafat was interviewed by Al Sharq Al Awsat (London Arabic Daily) and reprinted in Palestinian daily Al Quds on August 2, 2002:
“We are not Afghanistan… We are the mighty people.  Were they able to replace our hero Hajj Amin Al-Husseini?… There were a number of attempts to get rid of Hajj Amin, when they considered him an ally of the Nazis. But even so, he lived in Cairo, and participated in the 1948 War and I was one of his troops.”
(Translation found on Palestinian Media Watch web site.)
Arab League
Four Wars
The Arab League [xliv] , co-founded by Amin Al-Husseini, will support and declare all wars against the State of Israel in the 20th century. (1948, 1956, 1967, 1973)  It will also support both Intifadas.

Losers Regroup
 ODESSA network [xlv] .  Egypt, home of Muslim Brotherhood, and Syria incorporate thousands of Nazi experts into Egyptian and Syrian[xlvi] army, government and propaganda service. Vatican heavily involved in providing travel visas for Nazi officers.
Amin Al-Husseini is directly implicated in providing safe haven to ex-Nazis in Arab lands. He is the main connection with Francois Genoud, Swiss banker of Third Reich, who finances the ODESSA network with money stolen from European Jews.
Nazi Money
To Fund
Twenties Century
After World War II, Hitler’s Swiss banker, Francois Genoud, visited Amin Al-Husseini multiple times in Beirut.
Genoud finances the ODESSA network. He sponsors Arab Nationalism with Nazi money.  In Cairo and Tangiers, Genoud sets up import-export company called Arabo-Afrika, which is a cover to disseminate anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli propaganda.
Genoud sets up Swiss bank accounts for North African liberation armies of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria.  In partnership with Syria, he sets up Arab Commercial Bank in Geneva.  In 1962, he becomes Director of Arab People’s Bank in Algeria [xlvii] .
Ahmed Huber
Hitler Admirer
Muslim Brother
Safe Haven for Nazis
Contact with:
Amin Al Husseini
Francois Genoud
Johannes Van Leers
Thule Society
Avalon Gemeinschaft
Secret Society
Al Taqwa Bank
Financing Al Qeida and Hamas.
Albert Freidrich Ahmed Huber (aka Ahmed Huber), born in 1927, is a Swiss journalist, who became a major financier of radical Islam and pan-arabism.
He is an avid admirer of Hitler and highly active in Europe's radical right elite.
After his involvement with the radical left Algerian rebels against the French in the 1950's, Huber converted to Islam through the offices of the Muslim Brotherhood.
At first he followed into the path of Pan-arabism with President Nasser of Egypt, whereby Nasser promised safe-haven for former SS officers in exchange for help on ‘Jewish affairs'. When President Sadat of Egypt made peace with Israel, Huber left and joined Ayatollah Khomeini.
He meets Amin Al Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, as well as Francois Genoud, Hitler's Swiss banker. While in Egypt, he also befriends Johannes Van Leers, former chief of Nazi propaganda under Hitler. He actively funds an anti-American and Anti-Israel agenda through his leadership of a secret fraternity called Avalon Gemeinschaft. This group unites former SS officers with younger radicals such as Horst Mahler, Jurgen Graf and Ahmad Rami.
Finally, Ahmed Huber establishes the Al Taqua Bank with Muslim Brotherhood members Youssef Nada and Ali Gholib Himati. The Bank was since shut down by authorities for transacting with groups such as Al Qeida and Hamas and financing terrorist acts.
Ahmed Huber is thought to be the main financier and instigator of the holocaust denial movement in Iran.
President of World Islamic Congress
Arab Lands
(Free of Jews)
 Amin Al-Husseini becomes president of World Islamic Congress, which he founded [xlviii] .  The Islamic Fundamentalists implement plan of making Arab lands Judenrei (free of Jews), as Hitler did in Europe. All Jewish communities of North Africa and Middle East are persecuted. 
Hundreds of thousands of Arab Jews, whose presence in Arab countries predates Islam by a thousand years, are killed or forced to leave their homelands.    

Organization of Islamic Conferences

Offshoot of World Islamic Congress
Amin Al Husseini
Continues to lead the Islamic World.

In 1969, the (OIC) Organization of Islamic Conferences
 is founded and sets its headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It is an offshoot of the World Islamic Congress founded by Amin Al Husseini in 1926. The First Secretary General (1971-1973) is H.R.H. Tunku Abdul Rahman, Prime Minister of Malaysia. The OIC is made of 56 Islamic countries. It has been one of Islam's strongest political voices and has shaped the ideology of Pakistan and of the Muslim World until today 
Amin Al Husseini
Arafat Paying Hommage to His Mentor. Amin Al Husseini's Funeral. 1974
Amin Al-Husseini dies in Syria, leaving a legacy of terror, which continues to this day.

Amin Al-Husseini
The Legacy: Road To September 11th, 2001 and the Genocide of the Arab People


Radical Islamic Jihad and pan-Arabism in its violent form find a common root in Amin Al Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. He is the vector of European fascism into the modern Islamic world, both religious and secular. One cannot understand today's turbulent world without this information.
Part III.
The Amin Al-Husseini-Saddam Hussein Connection
1941 pro-Nazi Iraqi Coup

Read on.
From The Armenian Genocide to the Hijacking of the Muslim World
Building Blocks
Amin Al-Husseini. Born in Jerusalem under Ottoman rule
Husseini’s First Taste of Jihad
  Allegiance to Ottoman EmpireOttoman Officer
Amin Al Husseini: Ottoman Empire Officer
Amin Al-Husseini swears allegiance to the Ottoman Empire  during the Armenian genocide [i] . [ii] He is an officer stationed in Smyrna and participates first-hand in the Armenian genocide. One and a half million Christians are slaughtered under the sword of Islamic Jihad by the Ottoman Army.  Allegiance to Ottoman Empire and Islamic world take-over will be echoed by Osama Bin Laden in his post-September 11th declaration [iii]
.Amin Al HusseiniAmin Al Husseini
From The Armenian Genocide (1914-1924) to the Arab Genocide (1917-today)
  Pan-Islamic Vision Comes to Palestine
Amin Al-Husseini returns to Palestine.  He brings with him lessons of genocide and the vision of leading a Pan-Islamic empire, where Jews and Christians are not acceptable.

Amin Al-Husseini : Root of Today’s Palestinian Tragedy

  The Violence Begins
 1920/1921.  Riots. Amin Al-Husseini becomes lead figure in organizing riots against locals.  Amin Al-Husseini begins life-long campaign of inciting hate between Jews and Muslims under British Mandate of Palestine. He begins rule of terror over local Muslim leaders, who denounce him as an ignorant thug. [iv]
 Grand Mufti Against
The Will of The People
The British, against the local Muslim vote, appoint Amin Al-Husseini as Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.  Amin Al-Husseini came in a poor fourth place in the vote [v] .  The Muslim community rejected his candidacy because he had not received any credible  Islamic education.  He was neither a Sheikh (religiously accredited leader) nor an Alim (Islamic scholar).   He becomes the pre-eminent Arab power in Palestine.  His brutality becomes notorious and is rejected by local Muslim leadership.
Head of Supreme Muslim Council
Amin Al-Husseini is appointed Head of Supreme Muslim Council (1922-1937) [vi] .  He is hugely disappointed by the end of the Ottoman Empire under Ataturk. Husseini becomes fanaticized by the idea that he must restore the lost Islamic Empire. He vows to fight all Muslim seculars.
Jerusalem     Capital
   Amin Al-Husseini implements restoration of Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem [vii] .  He has the Dome gold-plated for the first time.  Thereafter, Jerusalem takes on more importance as Holy Muslim site in the eyes of the Arab World.
 Husseini Joins Muslim Brotherhood
Muslim Brotherhood established in Egypt by Hassan El Banna [viii] in 1928.  Amin Al-Husseini becomes a central member and ideological inspiration [ix] for the Muslim Brotherhood. Mother organization for today’s Egyptian Islamic Jihad and Hamas [x] .  The Muslim Brotherhood preaches Wahhabi Islam [xi] , which justifies violent means to rid the ‘Muslim world’ of its non-Islamic element.  It envisions a Pan-Islamic Empire, where strict Islamic law rules over all.
Hebron Massacre
Amin Al-Husseini organizes more riots in Palestine.   He spreads false rumors to further turn the local Muslims against the Jews.   Random murdering of Hebron Jews begins. Hebron Jewish community was over 2,000 years old.
Founder of
World Islamic Congress
Amin Al-Husseini starts to build his own political base.  He preaches Islamic unity and creates the World Islamic Congress in 1931 [xii] .

From The Muslim Brotherhood to the Third Reich

Amin Al-Husseini / Adolf Hitler Connection
Hitler Finds Arab Support [xiii]
 Arab Nazi political groups [xiv] spring up throughout Middle East:
        . Young Egypt.  Led by Muslim Brotherhood member Abdul Gamal Nasser (future Egyptian President).  Young Egypt’s political slogan “One Folk, One Party, One Leader” is a direct translation from German of Nazi slogan.
        . Social Nationalist Party in Syria.  Led by Anton Saada [xv](known as the Syrian Fuhrer)
Husseini Meets Hitler’s banker
Francois Genoud [xvi] , later known as the Swiss Banker of the Hitler’s Third Reich, travels to Palestine to meet Amin Al-Husseini for the first time.  Their relationship will continue well into the 1960’s. 
Palestine Riots
 Weapon of Choice
Suicide Squads
Muslim Leaders assassinated
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini in Jerusalem during 1936 Riots

Amin Al-Husseini is main organizer of riots. [xvii]   He organizes suicide squads against the local authorities.  Applies Nazi methodology of “systematic extermination” of any Arab suspected of less than total loyalty to Pan-Islamic vision of Muslim Brotherhood. 
Any “non-Islamic” element is a threat to his Pan-Islamic vision.
Many Muslim and Christian Palestinian intellectual leaders and clerics assassinated for protesting Husseini’s Islamic terror.
1936-1938. Murdered by Husseini’s men: 
   Sheikh Daoud Ansari ( Imam of Al Aqsa Mosque),  Sheikh Ali Nur el Khattib (Al Aqsa Mosque), Sheikh Nusbi Abdal Rahim (Council of Muslim Religious Court), Sheikh Abdul el Badoui (Acre, Palestine), Sheikh El Namouri (Hebron), Nasr El Din Nassr  (Mayor of Hebron).  Between Feb. 1937 and Nov 1938, Eleven (11) Mukhtars (community leaders) and their entire families slain by Amin al Husseini’s men.
On Hitler’s Payroll
Amin Al-Husseini visits Jerusalem German Consul. He meets SS Hauptschanfuehrer A.Eichman and SS Oberscherfuehrer H. Hagen to discuss “the Jewish question”.  [xviii] Amin Al-Husseini subsequently receives financial and military aid from Nazi Germany. [xix] [xx]
Mufti Joins Hitler In
Jihad against Britain

Amin Al-Husseini arrives in Rome, where he meets fascist leader Benito Mussolini, the genocidal butcher of Ethiopians in Africa. Mussolini vows to help the Palestinian cause against the Jews. From Rome, Husseini declares Fatwa-Jihad [xxi] against Britain. He preaches the notion of Pan-Islamism, with vision of Muslim unity to further his cause.

Amin Al-Husseini: Root of Today’s Iraqi Tragedy

Husseini-Tulfah [xxii]
Pro-nazi coupAmin Al Husseini
Palestinian Volunteers to the Iraqi Army
for 1941 Pro-Nazi Coup in Bagdad.
  Amin Al-Husseini instigates a pro-nazi coup in Baghdad, Iraq.  Kharaillah Tulfah is his right-hand man. Tulfah is Saddam Hussein’s mentor and uncle. Germany sends weapons and aircrafts to Husseini.  Coup fails.Amin Al HusseiniAmin Al Husseini in Bagdad with Rashid Al-Qailani, Leader of Pro-Nazi Iraqi Coup 1941
European Jews Must Not Make It To PalestineAmin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini In Berlin during WWII.
 Amin Al-Husseini in Berlin meets [xxiii] with Adolf Hitler [xxiv] and is active in the decision to exterminate all Jews through the infamous Final Solution [xxv] .
Amin Al HusseiniAmin Al Husseini Meets Hitler in Berlin During WWII
Hitler was reportedly content with deporting the Jews out of Europe to Palestine.  Husseini perceived this as a threat to his stronghold in Palestine and pushed successfully for the extermination of the European Jews.    
  Christian Serbian Genocide
Husseini’s Personal Project [xxvi]
Al Husseini meets Croation Nazis
Amin Al Husseini meets Croat Nazi A.Artukovic and M.Budak during WWII.
April 25th. Amin Al-Husseini is made chief architect [xxvii] of Nazi offensive in Bosnia:  Serbian-Cyrillic alphabet outlawed. Orthodox Serbs forced to wear Blue armband.  Jewish Serbs forced to wear Yellow armband.
While in Bosnia, Amin Al-Husseini takes the title “Protector of Islam”.  One hundred thousand (100,000) Bosnian Muslims join the Nazi ranks. They seek Nazi approval to establish autonomous Nazi protectorate for Bosnian Muslims.
Amin Al-Husseini approves the Pejani Plan, calling for the extermination of the Serbian population. Nazi Germany refuses to implement the Pejani plan.  
 Bosnian ethnic cleansing under Amin al Husseini:
     . Orthodox Christian Serbs:  200,000 killed
     . Jewish Bosnians: 22,000 killed
     . Gypsies:    over 40,000 killed
Husseini’s legacy of hatred is a major factor in today’s Bosnia/Herzegovina conflict against the Serbs and their leader Milosevic.
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini Inspecting His Muslim Troops. 1943.
10,000 Children Die
Amin Al-Husseini intervenes personally with Nazi High Command to block Red Cross offer of exchanging 10,000 Jewish children for Nazi prisoners of war.  They will die in Hitler’s gas chambers. [xxviii]
Nazi Muslims [xxix]
“Cream Of Islam”
Bosnian Muslim Flag Under Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’.  It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations.  ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire[xxx]   Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops[xxxi]
Husseini Nazi
Amin Al Husseini Coaching on of his Muslim Nazi Soldier 1943
 Prime Minister of Pan-Arab Government
Visits Nazi Death Camp with Head of SS H.Himmler
Amin Al Husseini Meets Chief Commander of Nazi SS: Heinrich Himmler
 Amin Al-Husseini is made Prime Minister of Pan-Arab Government by Nazi regime.  His headquarters are in Berlin.
He plans construction of concentration camp [xxxii] in Nablus (Palestine) to implement the  “final solution” in Palestine to exterminate the Jews there, as an extension of Hitler’s plan.
Mufti becomes close friend of  Heinrich Himmler, Head of SS (Nazi Officers).  Amin Al-Husseini is given a private tour of Aushwitz death camp by Himmler[xxxiii], where he insists on seeing first-hand the murder of Europe’s Jews.
Amin Al Husseini Inspects his Muslim Nazi Troops in WWII.
Nazi View
of Islamic Religion
Head of Nazi SS troops Heinrich Himmler stated to Chief of Nazi propaganda Josef Goebbels:
“ [I] have nothing against Islam because it educates the men in this division for me and promises them heaven if they fight and are killed in action.  A very practical and attractive religion for soldiers.” [xxxiv]
  Islamic Institute in Dresden, Germany
Nazi Islam
Heinrich Himmler, Head of SS, and close colleague of Amin Al-Husseini, financed and established Islamic Institute (‘Islamische Zentralinstitut’) in Dresden under the Mufti.  The purpose was to create a generation of Islamic leaders that would continue to use Islam as a carrier for Nazi ideology into the 21st century. [xxxv]
Mufti Addresses   Bosnian Muslim Nazi Troops
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini Inspecting His Islamo-Nazi Troops in Bosnia during WWII.
March 1, 1944. Amin Al-Husseini makes speech from Berlin addressing Muslim SS Nazi troops: “Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, History and Religion.  This saves your honor. God is with you.” [xxxvi]
Amin Al Husseini Recruiting Muslims To Serve Nazi Regime. (Propaganda Poster)

Arab League and Muslim Brotherhood:

 Post-World War II Voice of Amin Al-Husseini


From Amin Al-Husseini to Yasser Arafat

Co-founder and President
of Arab League
Amin AL Husseini At the Arab League
Amin Al Husseini at Arab League Meeting. 1944
 Amin Al-Husseini is one of the founders of Arab League.  Goal is to reinforce Pan-Islamic unity.  Founding countries are: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen.  Husseini is appointed to President in Absentia of Fourth Higher Committee of Arab League.
British Forgive Husseini
 Shockingly, the British give Amin Al-Husseini amnesty.  He returns to Palestine.
Leader of Muslim Brotherhood
 Amin Al-Husseini is appointed leader of Muslim Brotherhood in Jerusalem [xxxviii] .  Wahhabi Islam becomes the perfect vector for Husseini’s policy of ethnic cleansing.  He uses recently acquired Nazi methodology to implement his vision of an Arab World free of Jews (Juden-Rei in German). [xxxix]
Wanted for
 Crimes Against Humanity
Yugoslavia requests extradition from Egypt of Amin Al-Husseini for War Crimes [xl] , and Crimes against Humanity. Egyptian government refuses to release him [xli] .
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini with Arab Higher Institute in Cairo 1946

HUSSEINI :  “Murder The Jews! Murder Them All!”

Yasser Arafat’s Teacher and Uncle:
Amin Al-Husseini
 Egyptian-born Yasser Arafat [xlii] meets Amin Al-Husseini at age 17 and starts to work for him.  Amin Al-Husseini allegedly great-uncle of Arafat, whose real name is Mohammed Abder Rauf Arafat Al-Kudwa Al-Husseini.  Arafat reportedly changed his name intentionally to disguise his connection to Amin al-Husseini.
Holy Struggler
Amin Al-Husseini places Yasser Arafat in charge of arms procurement and shipment for the Mufti’s Irregular Forces:  “The Holy Strugglers”
“I declare a Holy War!”
Amin Al Husseini with Abdel Nasser
Amin Al Husseini
with Abdel Nasser: President of Egypt.

  With UN recognition, Israel declares statehood. Arab League immediately declares Jihad (Holy War) against Israel. Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Jordan immediately declare war on the new Jewish state and invade Israel.
Amin Al-Husseini [xliii] : “I declare a Holy War, My Muslim Brothers! Murder the Jews! Murder them all!”
Amin Al HusseiniMoslems Praying
Muslim Nazi Troops of Amin Al Husseini. Holy War. 1943.
Arafat Speaks On Amin Al-Husseini
“I was one of his troops.”
Yasser Arafat was interviewed by Al Sharq Al Awsat (London Arabic Daily) and reprinted in Palestinian daily Al Quds on August 2, 2002:
“We are not Afghanistan… We are the mighty people.  Were they able to replace our hero Hajj Amin Al-Husseini?… There were a number of attempts to get rid of Hajj Amin, when they considered him an ally of the Nazis. But even so, he lived in Cairo, and participated in the 1948 War and I was one of his troops.”
(Translation found on Palestinian Media Watch web site.)
Arab League
Four Wars
The Arab League [xliv] , co-founded by Amin Al-Husseini, will support and declare all wars against the State of Israel in the 20th century. (1948, 1956, 1967, 1973)  It will also support both Intifadas.

Losers Regroup
 ODESSA network [xlv] .  Egypt, home of Muslim Brotherhood, and Syria incorporate thousands of Nazi experts into Egyptian and Syrian[xlvi] army, government and propaganda service. Vatican heavily involved in providing travel visas for Nazi officers.
Amin Al-Husseini is directly implicated in providing safe haven to ex-Nazis in Arab lands. He is the main connection with Francois Genoud, Swiss banker of Third Reich, who finances the ODESSA network with money stolen from European Jews.
Nazi Money
To Fund
Twenties Century
After World War II, Hitler’s Swiss banker, Francois Genoud, visited Amin Al-Husseini multiple times in Beirut.
Genoud finances the ODESSA network. He sponsors Arab Nationalism with Nazi money.  In Cairo and Tangiers, Genoud sets up import-export company called Arabo-Afrika, which is a cover to disseminate anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli propaganda.
Genoud sets up Swiss bank accounts for North African liberation armies of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria.  In partnership with Syria, he sets up Arab Commercial Bank in Geneva.  In 1962, he becomes Director of Arab People’s Bank in Algeria [xlvii] .
Ahmed Huber
Hitler Admirer
Muslim Brother
Safe Haven for Nazis
Contact with:
Amin Al Husseini
Francois Genoud
Johannes Van Leers
Thule Society
Avalon Gemeinschaft
Secret Society
Al Taqwa Bank
Financing Al Qeida and Hamas.
Albert Freidrich Ahmed Huber (aka Ahmed Huber), born in 1927, is a Swiss journalist, who became a major financier of radical Islam and pan-arabism.
He is an avid admirer of Hitler and highly active in Europe's radical right elite.
After his involvement with the radical left Algerian rebels against the French in the 1950's, Huber converted to Islam through the offices of the Muslim Brotherhood.
At first he followed into the path of Pan-arabism with President Nasser of Egypt, whereby Nasser promised safe-haven for former SS officers in exchange for help on ‘Jewish affairs'. When President Sadat of Egypt made peace with Israel, Huber left and joined Ayatollah Khomeini.
He meets Amin Al Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, as well as Francois Genoud, Hitler's Swiss banker. While in Egypt, he also befriends Johannes Van Leers, former chief of Nazi propaganda under Hitler. He actively funds an anti-American and Anti-Israel agenda through his leadership of a secret fraternity called Avalon Gemeinschaft. This group unites former SS officers with younger radicals such as Horst Mahler, Jurgen Graf and Ahmad Rami.
Finally, Ahmed Huber establishes the Al Taqua Bank with Muslim Brotherhood members Youssef Nada and Ali Gholib Himati. The Bank was since shut down by authorities for transacting with groups such as Al Qeida and Hamas and financing terrorist acts.
Ahmed Huber is thought to be the main financier and instigator of the holocaust denial movement in Iran.
President of World Islamic Congress
Arab Lands
(Free of Jews)
 Amin Al-Husseini becomes president of World Islamic Congress, which he founded [xlviii] .  The Islamic Fundamentalists implement plan of making Arab lands Judenrei (free of Jews), as Hitler did in Europe. All Jewish communities of North Africa and Middle East are persecuted. 
Hundreds of thousands of Arab Jews, whose presence in Arab countries predates Islam by a thousand years, are killed or forced to leave their homelands.    

Organization of Islamic Conferences

Offshoot of World Islamic Congress
Amin Al Husseini
Continues to lead the Islamic World.

In 1969, the (OIC) Organization of Islamic Conferences
 is founded and sets its headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It is an offshoot of the World Islamic Congress founded by Amin Al Husseini in 1926. The First Secretary General (1971-1973) is H.R.H. Tunku Abdul Rahman, Prime Minister of Malaysia. The OIC is made of 56 Islamic countries. It has been one of Islam's strongest political voices and has shaped the ideology of Pakistan and of the Muslim World until today 
Amin Al Husseini
Arafat Paying Hommage to His Mentor. Amin Al Husseini's Funeral. 1974
Amin Al-Husseini dies in Syria, leaving a legacy of terror, which continues to this day.
Amin Al-Husseini
The Legacy: Road To September 11th, 2001 and the Genocide of the Arab People
[1] Armenian genocide. Legacy of the Ottoman Empire. Link:,
II Amin Al-Husseini joins the Ottoman Empire.
III Osama Bin Laden makes direct reference to end of Ottoman Empire and thus proclaims his allegiance to its notion of Islamic dominion.  We see here the direct ideological connection between Bin Laden’s Jihad and Amin Al-Husseini. Link:
IV No Jews in Palestine. Mufti’s lifelong endeavor.
 V Amin Al-Husseini appointed Mufti of Jerusalem against local Muslim vote.
Link: (This link is being updated. Please check back soon.)
VI Head of Supreme Muslim Council
VII Amin Al-Husseini has Dome of the Rock restored in Jerusalem and places Jerusalem at the center of his campaign to rally pan-Arab support.
VIII Hassan El-Banna and his ideology with the Muslim Brotherhood.
IX Amin Al-Husseini active member in the Muslim Brotherhood and main inspiration.
X Hamas is an offspring of Muslim Brotherhood. Connection to Amin Al-Husseini.
XI Muslim Brotherhood as the main vector for Wahhabism, sponsored by Amin Al-Husseini. Roots of  September 11th , 2001.
XII Amin Al-Husseini, founding-father of World Islamic Congress; platform for Amin Al-Husseini’s ideology. Link:,
XIII Arab Embrace of Nazi Ideology. Pro-Nazi parties in Egypt and Syria.
XIV Nazi Arab parties in Egypt and Syria. Link:
XVI Francois Genoud, Swiss banker of Hitler’s Third Reich, becomes the main financier of Jihad ideology and close associate of Amin Al-Husseini, Grand  Mufti of Jerusalem.
XVII Some information on the 1936 Palestine Riots under the leadership of Amin Al-Husseini who was also head of Supreme Islamic Council at the time. Link:!OpenDocument
XVIII Amin Al-Husseini became an official Nazi, organizing  Muslim Nazi troops and receiving money from the Nazi regime. Link:
IXX Nazis sponsor Palestine riots lead by Amin Al-Husseini. Connection with Arafat.
XX Amin Al-Husseini declares Fatwa against the West in 1941. Link:
XXI Amin Al-Husseini at the origin of Saddam Hussein’s genocide of the Iraqi people. Also see Saddam Hussein section for further detail. Link:
XXII Amin Al-Husseini gets guarantee from Adolf Hitler that they will join forces. Precursor meeting to the Wansee Conference where the fate of European Jewry was decided. Link:,
XXIII Amin Al-Husseini: Nazi connections and photos of Nazi Muslim Bosnian troops under the Mufti.  Link: ,,
XXIV Amin Al-Husseini  collaborates with Nazi in the extermination of European Jews (the Final Solution).
XXV Amin Al-Husseini main perpetrator of Serbian genocide under Nazi-Muslim Flag.
XXVI Husseini involved heavily in Bosnian Nazi troops. 
XXVII Amin Al-Husseini sends thousands of children to die in Nazi concentration camps.
XXVIII French website. Pictures of Muslim SS in prayer. Covers Islamo-Nazi connection extensively.
XXXI  Husseini’s Muslim Troops pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in special statement prepared by Head of SS troops, Heinrich Himmler.
XXXII Mufti builds plans to build Nazi concentration camp in Palestine. Close friend of Heinrich Himmler, Head of SS. Link:
XXXIII Mufti visits Nazi concentration camps with Himmler, Head of SS, to see murder of Jews first-hand.
XXXIV Nazi view of Islamic religion. Link:
XXXV Hitler sponsors Islamic institutes in Dresden and other cities in Germany to rear a new generation of Nazi Muslim leaders for the 21st century.
XXXVI Mufti’s address to Nazi Muslim troops made from Berlin, Germany on March 1, 1944.
XXXVII Amin Al-Husseini co-founder and president of the Arab League, which will become his main voice in the second half of the twentieth century. Link:
XXXVIII Mufti becomes local Jerusalem leader of Muslim Brotherhood.
XXXIX Use of Nazi propaganda technique called “turnspeak”.
XL Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin Al-Husseini, wanted for War Crimes at the Nuremberg Trials.
XLI Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem: Wanted as Nazi War criminal. Given refuge in Egypt.
XLII Amin Al-Husseini is the mentor of Yasser Arafat.  Arafat became a terrorist as a student of Amin Al-Husseini. Link:
XLIII Amin Al-Husseini/Arab League: “Murder the Jews! Murder them all!”
XLIV Facts about the Arab League. Link:
XLV ODESSA network. Nazis find refuge in Arab Lands.
XLVI Alois Brunner, famous Nazi, protected by Syrian authorities.
XLVII Francois Genoud, Swiss banker of Hitler’s Third Reich, becomes the main financier of Jihad ideology and close associate of Amin Al-Husseini, Grand  Mufti of Jerusalem.
XLVIII Founder and President of the World Islamic Congress: Platform for Amin Al-Husseini’s ideology.